Every once in a while the tiny thread of artistry that is held in the linear thoughts of my family peeks its way through.
Mom, what a beautiful poem. Thank you.
Resurrection Poem
My heart is so heavy, this long night awearying,
Darkness and hollowness, pain, what it sees.
The loss of my Savior, my love, my dear friend
Seems all to be hovering, pressing over me.
Having seen Your afflictions, trials, tribulations
The punishments laid on Your back that was bare,
I scarcely believe, can’t conceive, would reject
That those tortures, those lashes, were some I’d put there.
You know, Lord, I love you. You know where I stand.
You also know deeply the sorrow I bring.
As true as my heart seems, it’s frail, unworthy.
It knows but a fraction the truth it should ring.
For though, Lord, I love you and know Your heart true,
My broken and meek heart can’t do without You.
The only redemption, the comfort availed
By the unrighteous acts of this night filled with black
Is that You, ‘fore creation, have laid out this plan.
By Your sacrifice, all of men’s hearts to buy back.
Amazing, incredible, Love without end,
Beyond comprehension of my feeble mind
The menial price I must pay in return
Is surrendering sin, that corrupts and leaves blind
The heart that You gave me to worship and praise.
So simple a task, to receive Your release
From the bondage that binds, keeps my heart from Your work
To just give it to You, and gain Your perfect Peace.
Your willing death washes my sins all away
To birth, bright and glorious, my heart’s Easter Day!
Dawn M. Jacobs