Monday, April 26, 2010

Shameless solicitation

Lately, Hubby and I have been having discussions about working and worth. There is much to be said about how to handle the workplace with intentionality and faithfulness to God's calling in your life. Sometimes, I fear, we don't dialogue about this enough. Spending so much time in one place, it's hard to not see where faith practically meets people.

So, with that, Hubby and I covet your prayers today. He has an interview tomorrow morning downtown. Since a lot of our future together and my schooling depends on him having a stable income, we are praying for opportunities just like this. On the other hand, there have been some warnings about the pay in this job, so we also want to balance this with Hubby's worth as a professional in his field. Pray that if need be, we can faithfully walk away from this. But most of all, pray that God's will be done. I'll keep you posted!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

William James-- what kind of person are you?

“A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.” — William James

What do you think of this quote? I'm not sure why William James is important, mostly because I'm not familiar with him. However, in discussion with a friend this morning, I thought this was a very interesting notion. We delved deeper into how some people's personalities seem more apt to conform to specific patterns of thought. We were specifically thinking of theologies, but I think it just might apply plenty of other ways. Outgoing people seem to be bubbly. (Or does their Bubbliness define them as "outgoing")

Anyway, I wondered if any one else has had a similar experience? Do you see patterns in your world of people?