Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

It's quite a unique holiday if you think about it.
Our librarian at the University dresses, literally, from head (wig) to toe, sporting his Irish pride. My in-laws take the day off to march in a parade, eat only Irish dishes, and play cds of fiddles, whistles, and boudrans. And then there are those who forget it even exists. These are the people that forget to wear green. These are the people that are pinched. No other holiday like it that I can think of.

In celebration of St. Patrick and his home culture (despite the fact that they kicked him out of his own country), enjoy this video.

(*Interesting fact: In American Tap dancing, the goal is to look fluid, to have your whole body express the sounds of your feet. In clogging, the better you are, the less your shoulders will move. Shoulders are the indicators that policeman use to see if you're moving in your car-- they tell all. So, it's a strong and practiced art to control them. Watch how their shoulders in this video are immovable! It's wonderful.)

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