It will be a sad day when we have to move out and part ways with the Engelhardts. They’ve become family to Thomas and I this past year. We’ve learned a lot, and grown much. I’m beginning to think more and more often of the things that I will miss when we move to a new home. Tonight was a good example.
I will miss them eating all of the crazy kitchen creations, my spur of the moment sugar rushes, and the time devouring them with a nice glass of milk (always thanks to Jamie).
Cupcakes are an easy thing to make. They really don’t take a whole lot of effort. It seems, for me anyway, that the big hurdle is committing to getting it done. The Mr. loves sweets, so it’s never (nor will it probably ever be) hard to convince him to go along with my whimsical wishes. Though, when you think of cupcakes, you think of the time, the energy, all the ingredients that you may or may not have (I keep our kitchen well stocked with the essentials ), and the mess afterwards. But tonight, in about 30 minutes, I had cupcakes in the oven.
We were sitting at the kitchen table after a wonderful meal, and I had a hankering. “So…would anyone like cupcakes?”
“Like…stat?!?”, said Jamie.
And it was at that moment that we had a choice. It’s the point in the conversation where no one has spoken, and you are all still deciding whether it’s pure ridiculousness, or crazy enough that it might just be amazing.
I will miss them agreeing to ridiculous mini-house adventures at the drop of a pin.
It was a collaborative decision. We had to trust that we were doing it together. I’m sure not eating 30 cupcakes by myself! There is something to be said about taking a leap, jumping off the ledge, and diving in. Today at the Judson University chapel, we had a speaker who spoke about the differences between being a ‘peace-maker’ and ‘keeping the peace’. And it all boiled down to making the step—committing to the task. Are you willing to commit to people? Even in the moments when something that needs to be said will hurt, either you or them, or your friendship? Will you, effectively, fight for peace? Or would you rather smooth things over and just keep the peace?
Now, I think we all still have a long way to go on this, but…
I will miss the trust and commitment to Christ that beckons us to fight for peace, even when the outcome is murky.
And as we all sat around eating cupcakes (with milk), I think all of these things that I will miss, made that moment just that much sweeter.
(Pictures by the o, so talented, Jamie Engelhardt)
This was a real treat to read (and they were a real treat to eat!) We have had a lot of "mini-adventures" at the spur of a moment, and we will dearly miss you guys! Remember your post about social-networking? - yeah, we're definitely communicating via blogs again...oops.